PRP Facial Rejuvenation

PRP Facial Rejuvenation or "Vampire facelift"

Natural therapy prepared with your own cells

This blood-based procedure is turning heads in Hollywood, and for good reason!

PRP treatments improve skin quality and reduce fine lines on the face, upper chest area, and hands. Platelet-rich plasma promotes cellular tissue regeneration and is derived from a blood sample, consisting mainly of platelets and other blood components (plasma, vitamins, and minerals). Platelets are responsible for clotting and healing, containing active molecules known as growth factors that enable the natural repair of damaged tissues.


What should I expect?

This technique, which is both simple and safe, uses the regenerative and healing properties of platelets. They have the ability to locally release growth factors, small molecules that act as real messengers to activate the skin's regeneration mechanisms.

Following a blood sample, it will be centrifuged to isolate the platelet-rich plasma. It is therefore a natural product, and the risks of allergies or rejection are therefore minimized.

An anesthetic cream will be applied to ensure your well-being during the PRP injection. Blood platelets (PRP) are applied to your skin in small quantities.

The enriched plasma will help make the skin firmer, tighter, and younger.


  • Toned and plumped skin
  • Regenerative properties of platelets
  • Natural treatment
  • Simple, safe and effective technique
  • No risk of rejection or allergic reactions


  • Injections may cause some discomfort
  • More than one session is required