360° Laser Neck Lift


Fotona 360° Neck Lift

Achieve firmer skin and flawless texture on the lower face.

Signs of aging often go beyond just facial volume loss and wrinkles. As we age, we also tend to experience changes in skin texture. The 360° neck lift, also known as the lower face and neck lift, is a laser procedure aimed at rejuvenating the appearance of the lower face and neck by addressing skin laxity, wrinkles, and excess fat. It is called a “360°” neck lift because it treats the entire circumference of the neck.


What should I expect?

Fotona SP Dynamis is a cutting-edge laser system capable of providing customized and specific treatments. The Fotona 360 Neck Lift procedure uses two different wavelengths, such as Nd:Yag and Erbium lasers, with the most appropriate settings to create long-term skin tightening and remodeling results in this area of the body. This triggers the body's natural regenerative response, stimulating new collagen formation and increased cellular activity. As the structural support of the neck skin improves, the skin appears firmer and wrinkles are reduced.

What are the effects?

These effects continue to improve up to 3 months after the laser skin tightening treatment, as the skin's natural collagen reserves gradually replenish. Each patient is different and may require approximately 3 to 5 sessions, or as many sessions as deemed appropriate.

Collagen production

A decrease in collagen production in the neck leads to the formation of horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the skin's surface at the platysma muscles. As the skin loses strength and elasticity with age, it is common to see early signs of premature aging.

Fotona SP Dynamis laser

This laser combines two powerful laser modalities to treat the neck. Those experiencing skin laxity in the neck area can rejuvenate and restore skin elasticity non-invasively with the Fotona Piano Mode neck lift procedure. This setting induces controlled, homogeneous thermal heating in the treatment area. The Piano Mode uses Nd:YAG, which safely triggers bulk heating of the dermal tissues by raising surface temperatures to 42°-45°C. High bulk heating in the subcutaneous tissue stimulates cellular response activity known as photothermolysis. As collagen and elastin production increases in the dermal structures, skin remodeling is achieved.


Laser neck lift procedures with the Dynamis SP can be completed in under 45 minutes, with no downtime or postoperative pain. The treatments are non-invasive, and most patients can finish their sessions during their lunch break! Laser neck lifting is a quick and convenient way to rejuvenate the neck skin, offering fast and effective results in very little time.

How long do the results last?

Non-surgical neck lift procedures typically last between 12 to 18 months, with maintenance treatments needed every 12 months to preserve the best results.

How many treatments are needed?

Patients with mild to moderate skin laxity can expect to undergo a treatment program of about 5 to 6 sessions, spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results. Patients who wish to accelerate their treatment program can opt for an accelerated program, receiving weekly treatments for one month. Weekly sessions of Laser Neck Lift Piano Mode can produce rapid and effective skin tightening.

These treatments can produce satisfactory aesthetic results for individuals with slightly or moderately loose skin.