Acne Treatment

Laser Acne Treatment

Acne scar revision

Both teenagers and adults can face acne issues. Acne and acne scars often affect us even below the surface. If your self-esteem has been impacted by these problems, we are here to help you rediscover your beauty! We offer a range of non-invasive solutions to restore control over your skin and your happiness.


What should I expect?

We offer a comprehensive laser acne treatment protocol. Using Fotona's precisely controlled Nd:YAG laser light, it safely penetrates the skin to effectively target overactive sebaceous glands and reduce acne.

What is the purpose of acne treatment?

Patients with persistent active acne or cystic acne are excellent candidates for acne treatment with the Fotona Dynamis laser system. Notable improvements in skin condition can often be seen within a week, with progressive enhancements over the following weeks. Individuals with more severe forms of acne typically benefit from a series of treatments along with a prescribed skincare regimen. This comprehensive approach helps to improve overall skin health from the inside, leading to more effective and lasting results.

  • ACNE

How does it work?

For active acne, Fotona’s laser treatment reduces acne inflammation through photosensitive absorption and controlled heating effects. Fotona's high-power Nd
laser safely penetrates the skin to an optimal treatment depth to thermally and selectively destroy overactive sebaceous glands. In addition to its thermal penetration effects, the Nd:YAG laser treatment for acne also accelerates the healing process and stimulates collagen remodeling.

Quick results without side effects : 
  • A series of 4 to 6 treatments is recommended, one to two times a week. Improvement is noticeable from the first treatment.
  • To improve the appearance of acne scars, Fotona offers a complementary treatment where the laser is absorbed by the upper micro-layers of the skin to stimulate new collagen production in the dermis.